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Water Stories

Surekha’s harnessing the power of data

Optimising decision making Surekha completed a Master of Computer Science in India and moved to Australia to take up a role as an Asset Geo Spatial ...

Catrin’s creating sustainable practices

Enabling critical service DELIVERY ‘From the outset it may seem that a role in Supply Chain is simply to purchase things for the business and to be ...

Emma develops nature based solutions

As an Environmental Planning and Cultural Heritage Specialist at Unitywater, Emma Newton combines her passion for the environment, First Nations ...

Emma's leading new innovation

Emma partners with organisations to promote new technology and innovation to transform the water industry for what we need it to be in the future.

Elliot’s influencing future climate resilience

As a Sustainability and Climate Change Advisor with Sydney Water, Elliot is planning for future climate change and what needs to be done now so that ...

John’s improving water for the future

Committed to our shared future John started his career in construction but saw an opportunity to transfer his skills to the world of water. Through ...

Stacey’s wonderful world of water

Why water? It was a University assignment in water treatment that inspired Stacey to start a water career. Now, with over 15 years of industry ...

Michael looks at the bigger picture

Why water? Michael graduated as a Chemical Engineer during the Global Financial Crisis and wanted a secure job in a growing industry. A friend ...

Sophie’s shaping her water future

Why water? It all started with a Bachelor of Engineering at The University of Queensland. With a focus on chemical and environmental engineering, ...

Andrew plans for future generations

Why water? Andrew studied Civil Engineering and was attracted to the water industry due to a genuine interest in hydraulics and hydrology but also a ...

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