Water is Life
As children grow and comprehend the world around them, it is important that they learn from an early age how vital water is to their bodies, to their environment and to the world at large.
Children are our future so it is critical that they are provided with a full understanding of the importance of water and how they can help in protecting this most valuable resource now and into the future.
The Australian F-10 Schools Curriculum focuses initially on early primary students observing and understanding their ‘place in the world’; their local environment and living things; the key processes in the water cycle and changes to the earth’s surface that impact upon growth and survival of living things. This is developed gradually into the more complex issues around interdependencies, sustainability and resources.
These key aspects are understood through both individual and personal experience, through visual and ‘hands on’ practical learning as well as through gaining an understanding as to how First Nations People predict, locate and manage water resources.
As children grow and comprehend the world around them, it is important that they learn from an early age how vital water is to their bodies, to their environment and to the world at large.
Children are our future so it is critical that they are provided with a full understanding of the importance of water and how they can help in protecting this most valuable resource now and into the future.
The Australian F-10 Schools Curriculum focuses initially on early primary students observing and understanding their ‘place in the world’; their local environment and living things; the key processes in the water cycle and changes to the earth’s surface that impact upon growth and survival of living things. This is developed gradually into the more complex issues around interdependencies, sustainability and resources.
These key aspects are understood through both individual and personal experience, through visual and ‘hands on’ practical learning as well as through gaining an understanding as to how First Nations People predict, locate and manage water resources.

Primary Water Education Resources
Explore our treasure trove of resources tailored for primary school education.

Secondary Water Education Resources
Explore a wealth of resources tailored for enhancing secondary education experiences.
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AWA National Water Week
National Water Week inspires communities, schools and organisations to work together on water issues and celebrates water innovation and achievements supporting Australia's sustainable future.

AWA National Water Week Education Programs
Explore all the different aspects of water with these learning resources designed to teach you about the water community.

AWA Water Education Tool Kit
Designed to assist water educators and ambassadors - particularly novice water educators to develop student and teacher understanding about their local water story
Water Night
Water Night is an annual event aiming to improve everyone's water knowledge in order to help us all value water more.

AWA National Water Week Ambassadors
National Water Week Ambassadors play an important role in improving water literacy and raising awareness of careers working with water. Organise fun interactive activities and share your experience and knowledge with school and universtity students throughout water's biggest week.

AWA Mentoring Program
National Mentoring Program: Connecting aspiring water professionals to a community of passionate members.

Our Water Connection Podcast
Ready for a podcast that makes waves? Welcome to Our Water Connection, where education, communication, and connection converge to increase your water curiosity! 💧
Our Water Connection is not just a podcast; it's a mission to showcase the water industry as a vital force in society. We're breaking down the barriers of complexity to make water knowledge accessible to all.

Engineers Australia Graduate Learning Program - Water
Equip your graduate engineers with the skills they need to thrive and contribute to the future of the water sector, including self-management, communication, project management, and sector-specific knowledge. This program is delivered in partnership with the Australian Water Association.

National Water Week Primary School Poster Competition
The National Water Week Primary School Poster Competition is an annual art competition open to primary schools across Australia. Students are asked to create a poster reflecting water-related issues which are important to them and their local area.Winners announced during National Water Week.
AWA Student Membership
Join the Australian Water Association and as a student you will find our resources invaluable to support your study and interests in the water sector. As a full-time student you are eligible for Discounted Membership.

Australian Stockholm Junior Water Prize - Key Dates
Australian Stockholm Junior Water Prize key dates and submissions

Australian Stockholm Junior Water Prize
This annual water science competition is open to high school students across Australia aged 15-20 who have conducted water-related projects of environmental, scientific, social or technological importance. Students may enter as individuals or groups of two. The Competition is open to both AWA members and non-members. The national prize is awarded at the annual Ozwater conference and the winner is invited to participate in the Stockholm Junior Water Prize, a prestigious international award, presented each World Water Week in Sweden

Australian Academy of Science
The Australian Academy of Science provides independent, authoritative and influential scientific advice, promotes international scientific engagement, builds public awareness and understanding of science, and champions excellence in Australian science. 'Science by Doing' is the flagship Secondary science education program from the Australian Academy of Science for Years 7 to 10 that offers educators freely accessible materials, professional learning, and support.

Australian Association of Environmental Educators (AAEE)
Peak professional body for Environmental Educators (AAEE) advocating for environmental education and promoting best practice.

Careers at Council - Water Careers
Local government in regional NSW and Queensland, offers rewarding careers for people with vocational education and training (VET) and university qualifications, working in fields such as water and wastewater operations and maintenance, laboratories , science and engineering.

Kids National Geographic Science Lab
National Geographic Kids 'Discover' offers some of the coolest facts for kids around our planet as well as some fun water facts, activities and videos.

NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)
NESA is an independent statutory authority and is a portfolio responsibility of the NSW Minister for Education and Early Learning. NESA supports schools and early childhood services to deliver teacher resources for the best possible outcomes for students and children

ABC Education School Resources - Water
Resources for all ages and school year level including topic-based activities, podcasts, tv clips, news and games.

ABC Education - Sustainablility
Variety of school resources with a focus on sustainability

Australian Government Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water
The Department helps ensure Australia's future through climate change and helps to protect Australia's heritage, natural resources and energy.

Australian Museum 'Museum in a Box'
'Museum in a Box' outreach educational program

Australian Museum Education in the Classroom
Lesson plans and activities for schools

Discover ABC - Environment
Resources on issues and topics concerning the environment

Discover ABC- Water & Sustainablility
Resources on issues and topics concerning sustainability

Australian Childrens' Television Foundation (ACTF)
High quality Australian children's screen content designed to reach and connect with children

CSIRO Student Scholarships
National organisation solving challenges in technology, science and innovation. Student opportunities, resources and career pathways

CSIRO STEM Education resources
CSIRO Student and teacher resources focussing on STEM

CSIRO Career Opportunities
CSIRO Career Opportunities for school leavers and graduates
Education Services Australia
Education Services Australia (ESA) develops, shares and deploys nationally-owned education infrastructure and resources on behalf of the education ministers.

Fizzics Education Science Show and Resources
Leading provider of interactive science workshops, shows and professional development, STEM teaching units and courses with a myriad of resources including videos, printable experiements, quizzes, vocab lists, cross-curricular teaching ideas etc plus customisable programs

Fizzics Education Teaching about water
Fizzics offers interactive science workshops, shows and professional development and STEM teaching units on water.

Fizzics Education Courses
STEM teaching units from Fizzics Education with multiple resouces for years K-Tertiary

Fizzics Education Water Science K-4
Fizzics Education Water Science education unit for Years K-4

Fizzics Education School Shows & Workshops
School shows, science workshops, incursions and online programs from Fizzics Education

FutureYou Program STEM Resources
Teaching and parent resources from the Australian Government's 'Women in Stem' Ambassador, aimed at attracting 5-12 year olds interested in Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.

FutureYou Program Activities
FutureYou activities, colouring in, fact sheets from FutureYou program for Primary & Secondary students

Geoscience Australia
Geoscience Australia provides information and advice towards the management of Australia's groundwater and surface water resources.

Junior Landcare Environmental education
Environmental Education for Children with learning resources, videos, fun activities and an Educator Hub, First Nation's perspectives, Waste Management and Food Production

Myfuture career planning resources
Managed by Education Services Australia, (ESA), myfuture is designed to assist student, teachers and parents with quality resources for career planning, career pathways and work transitions

Myfuture teacher resources
Resource for teachers to educate students how to navigate the myfuture website - includes a webinar, downloadable slide presentation and links to user guides

Myfuture career opportunities
Resources to assist in identifying career and employment opportunities and updates in the water and waste sectors

Pump Industry Australia
Latest news and projects from the Pump Industry sector

SCOOTLE Digital Science & HSIE Resources
National repository for digital resources aligned to the Australian curriculum

Sustainable Schools
Sustainable Schools Water-focussed teaching resources for K-12 educators in New South Wales

The Girls in STEM
The GiST offers free Scence-based resources designed to inspire female students in Years 4- 12, Secondary and Tertiary levels,educators and parents

UNIQYou Career Resources for Women
UNIQYou virtual site to inspire and motivate girls and educators to career opportunities by offering connections to women working in water, waste water, manufacturing and energy.

UNIQYou Resources in water sector
UNIQYou career opportunities in water catchment supply, sewerage, drainage services and pipeline transport (water).

UNESCO mobilises the wealth of its scientific expertise and implements water programs as part of its prriorities for the achievement of sustainable development goals and the improvement of the human condition.

United Nations
Department of Economic and Social Affairs - Sustainable Development

Sydney Water Early Careers Program
If your career is just beginning, Sydney Water can give you a head start.

United States EPA 'WaterSense'
Science resources for teachers and educators produced under the 'WaterSense' brand by the United States EPA

Water Works - Australian Academy of Science resources
Science resources for primary teachers and educators including videos, curriculum guidance and fact sheets

Water Footprint Calculator
Water resources for educators, teachers and kids including quizzes, lesson plans, water activities, comic books and colouring in books.

Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA)
Peak industry body representing the urban water sector and providing a wide range of resources, codes, standards, fact sheets, products and material information for members.

University & TAFE Open Days
Australian Universities and TAFE College Open Days

NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA)
NESA is an independent statutory authority and is a portfolio responsibility of the NSW Minister for Education and Early Learning. NESA supports schools and early childhood services to deliver teacher resources for the best possible outcomes for students and children.

Catholic Schools Education - Wollongong Environment Network
Supports schools in the Illawarra Diocese with resources to support learnings to implement environmental stewardship and sustainability
NSW Dept. of Planning & Environment
School water resources and lesson plans to inspire students to understand and explore the importance of water as a precious resource.

NSW DPIE Agricultural Resources
DPIE Agricultural Resources

NSW DPIE Sharing Water
Rivers - Sharing our water resources for Secondary geography and science teachers

NSW Department of Environment & Heritage
Water for the Environment Education Resources for K-12 designed to educate and engage people about water for the environment and the vital role it plays in maintaining and improving the health of our rivers, wetlands and floodplains.

Sustainable Schools NSW
Supporting environmental educators across New South Wales, collaborating for school sustainability

WaterNSW Education
WaterNSW supplies 2/3 of water used in NSW and maintains and operates the assets that supply water across the State

WaterNSW Catchments
Understanding what water catchments do in the NSW water supply system

QLD Govt. Waterwise
Water education activities for council or water provider staff to support their local school communities

Qld Dept of Regional Development, Manufacturing & Water
Queensland water resources and the role played by the Department in their sustainable management

QLD Water Directorate
Advisory and Advocacy body of councils, other local and state government-owned water and sewerage service providers, and affiliates

Australian Association for for Environmental Education (AAEE)
Victorian Chapter of the Australian Association for Environmental Education, provides professional support to and promotes the development of environmetal education and sustainable behaviour change in the formal education and community settings.

Environment Education Victoria
Empowering, educating and inspiring teachers, students and community to act on climate change for a sustainable future

Youth Central
Victorian Government website for youths aged 12-25 offering career- oriented resources

Vic Gov, DEECA, Water Corporations & The Water Conservative combined initiative
ResourceSmart Schools initiative towards sustainability

Waterwatch Victoria
Variety of resources for environmental educators

VIC ICT For Women
STEM resources to inspire and excite women for further studies and future career

CERES School of Nature & Climate
Educational initiative focussed on climate and ecological crisis

South Australian Dept. for Education
Teaching and learning resources to assist educators and families

University of Adelaide
Environmental Institute and water research centre

University of Adelaide - Institute for Sustainability, Energy and Resources (ISER)
Institute for Sustainability, Energy and Resources (ISER) offers guidance to courses in the field of clean water and sanitation for Tertiary students