Source of life Sustainable minds

Source of life Sustainable minds

It’s time to rethink water. Our most precious commodity. Our most vital resource.

It’s more than what comes out of your tap. Our lives and our futures depend on it.

From sustaining life, to building our infrastructure.
From protecting health, to creating innovative jobs for the future.
It needs natural leaders to protect, provide and sustain Australia’s way of life.

Water is life

Water connects us to ourselves, to nature and each other.

  • Over 220,000 jobs in Agriculture and primary industries are supported by water.
  • 7.9% expected employment growth in water to 2026.
  • 200 utilities employ around 30,000 people , representing about half of the entire water sector.

How Water is Used in Australia

70% Agriculture

Agriculture is one of Australia’s largest industries and the greatest user of water. Production for crops and pastures uses water from irrigation or pipelines, groundwater, rivers, creeks and lakes. Cotton, fruit, nuts and sugar cane alone require millions of megalitres of water each year.

20% Urban

This covers the supply of water and wastewater services to over 20 million people and 9 million properties in Australia’s cities and towns.

10% Industrial

Industrial water use consists of mining, manufacturing, food processing, gas and electricity, all of which are essential for sustaining our communities and supporting economic growth and development.


As experts in our field, we’re leading our industry through the challenges of climate change and the digital transformation. So join us at the forefront of game-changing innovations to protect our water future.

Let’s find new and imaginative ways to build infrastructure, protect health and sustain life for our communities. And make the big decisions that will lead to positive change for future generations. It couldn’t be a more exciting time to work in water. Ready to play your part?

Dive into the wonderful world of water.

Types of Organisations

Water utilities and authorities
Water utilities and authorities

Provide essential drinking water, wastewater, sewage and drainage services to households and businesses.

Local, state and federal government agencies
Local, state and federal government agencies

Local, state and federal agencies ensuring the long-term viability of our communities, the environment and economy. 

Consulting and advisory companies
Consulting and advisory companies

Expert advice to the water sector, delivering major works and projects.

Manufacturers and suppliers
Manufacturers and suppliers

Providers of infrastructure from tunnels and pipelines, water and wastewater treatment systems solutions.


Vital to life, our industry has an immense responsibility to be proactive about climate change. It drives us to innovate in meaningful ways, creating boundless opportunities to grow your career – across Australia and around the world.

With unparalleled industry collaboration, we join forces to find real solutions giving you the chance to gain transferable skills that can take you anywhere. It’s why a career in water is full of possibility. Dive into the wonderful world of water.

Dive into the wonderful world of water